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By :春种秋收 6


1. 人工防治


2. 生物防治


3. 物理治疗


4. 化学防治


5. 自然预防

所谓的自然预防就是提供更加稳定的生态环境,这样就能够促进果树更好的生长, in such an environment disease and insect pests will not spread wildly. 主要的方式还是要加强对卫生的管理,合理进行灌溉和采摘,这样就能够起到更好的预防措施。

6. 诱捕法

这种方法主要是利用害虫的趋光性或趋黄性,在果园内安置诱杀灯或悬挂黄色粘虫板,诱杀害虫。另外,也可以制作诱捕器,将诱芯直接粘在粘板上,或用铁丝悬挂于其中。悬挂高度1.5米,为方便操作,田间排列最好为直线形。每个果园一般设置5个诱捕器,间距15~30米, in the case of ***s before they become covered with wings, in the case of ***s without wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings, in the case of ***s with wings,